Top JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries to Accelerate Your Software Development

Looking for the right set of top JavaScript framework tools for software development? If so, then read my list of 7 top JavaScript frameworks to use in 2021 and boost up your software development

Amyra Sheldon
6 min readMar 13, 2019

JavaScript and its frameworks are in high demand around the world of enterprise software development as it is giving a boom to the IT industry. In fact, JavaScript frameworks are increasingly becoming common choices for developers because of the efficiency and its relatively easier learning curve which helps accelerate software development.

Frameworks like Redux & Node.js are addressing the shortfalls of traditional JavaScript software development. Hence, modern JavaScript development is more efficient and productive.

According to Stack Overflow’s Survey, JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages around the globe.

So if you’re into building JavaScript-based software for your business, which top JavaScript frameworks will you most likely choose?

Check out this top JavaScript frameworks list to understand what’s the best for your software application development project:

1) Vue.JS

Vue.JS — Javascript framework for software development

It was developed by Evan You and got released in 2014. Since then it has got a huge adoption in various web development companies. Many web developers prefer Vue.JS over full-stack React as it is easy to start with and maintains extensibility.

Vue.JS allows software developers to create interactive web interfaces. It provides reactive components to the data, similar to full stack React, with a simple and flexible API. Unlike full stack React or Angular, one of the benefits of VueJS is the clean HTML output it produces.

Other top JavaScript frameworks/libraries tend to leave HTML strewn with additional attributes and classes in the code, while Vue.JS removes them to produce clean and semantic results. It provides advanced functions such as routing, status management and construction tools for complex applications through libraries and compatible packages that are officially maintained.

2) Node.JS

Node.js — MERN stack framework for software development

It was originally written by Ryan Dahl which is free, open-source and cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment basically executes JavaScript code without the browser.

Node.js follows a paradigm of JavaScript everywhere by unifying the development of web applications around a single programming language, instead of different languages for the server side and the client side. Many parts of its architecture suffer from limitations, including security and the way in which modules are managed.

As a solution to this, a new software project, called Deno, was introduced which was a secure TypeScript execution engine in the JavaScript V8 engine that aims to correct some of the design flaws in Node.js.

3) AngularJS

Angular js -Javascript framework for software development

AngularJS is a top JavaScript framework developed by Google in 2009 and got released its first version in 2012. From that time, it has gained huge popularity along with enthusiastic support and huge adoption rate among top web development companies. Today, it has its highly deserved place as one of the top JavaScript frameworks in 2021. Some of its later versions naming Angular 4, 2 and the more recent Angular 8 have upgraded in order to offer high performance in dependency injection & in its speed.

However, its newer version called as AngularJS which builds client based applications using HTML & TypeScript. It comes with declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tools and integrated best practices to solve development challenges.

While the architecture of Angular.JS is based on the design of the model view controller, Angular has a component-based architecture.

Each Angular application consists of at least one component known as the root component. Each component is associated with a class that is responsible for managing the business logic and a template that represents the view layer.

The new and highly upgraded version of Angular, i.e., Angular 8 was released in 29th May this 2019. Angular 8 brought several improvements, including a faster application loading speed on modern web browsers, adherence to the latest web standards among other major changes.

4) ReactJS

React.js —MERNstack framework for software development

React.js was first developed by Facebook in 2011 & open sourced in 2013. It is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It allows JavaScript developers to access functions like the state without using JavaScript classes.

Its goal is to simplify the code for full stack React components by allowing a developer to reuse state logic.

Other features will include a concurrent mode to allow the representation of the component tree without blocking the main thread, failure to obtain data and more.

5) Tensorflow.JS

Tensorflow.js — Javascript framework for software development

It is a top JavaScript framework used in machine learning and involves the implementation of TensorFlow. It consists of four layers, namely the WebGL API for numerical operations compatible with GPU, the web browser for user interactions and two APIs: Core and Layers.

The low-level Core API corresponds to the old deeplearn.js library, which provides hardware-accelerated linear algebra operations and an impatient API for automatic differentiation.

The top-level layer API is used to build machine learning models on Core. It also allows MERN stack developer to import models previously trained in Python with Keras or TensorFlow SavedModels and use them to infer or transfer learning in the browser.

6) Nuxt.JS

Nuxt.js — Javascript framework for software development

Nuxt.js is a top JavaScript framework originally developed by the Chopin brothers, Alexandre and Sébastien Chopin and got released in 2016. It is a top-level framework inspired by Next.js, which is based on the Vue.js ecosystem and simplifies the development of universal or single-page Vue.js applications.

Nuxt.js uses a web package with value-loader and babel-loader to the group, divide the code and minimize its code. One of the advantages of using Nuxt.JS is that it provides a Nuxt generate command, which generates a completely static version of your Vue.JS application using the same base code.

Moreover, it provides features for the development between the client side and the server side, such as asynchronous data, middleware, designs, etc.

7) Gatsby.JS

Image result for Gatsby.JS features
Gatsby.js — Javascript framework for software development

It was released in 2015 and it is actually a modern site generator for full stack React JavaScript framework. It builds everything using components. With Gatsby, you can create dynamic and static websites/web applications that range from simple blogs, e-commerce websites, to user control panels.

Moreover, it supports many database sources, such as Markdown files, a headless CMS such as Contentful or WordPress, or a REST or GraphQL API, which you can consolidate through GraphQL.

It also facilitates things such as code division, image optimization, critical style alignment, lazy loading, and prior resource acquisition by automating them.

Final Words

So far we have seen a good collection of modern JavaScript frameworks that will definitely grow your business at an exponential rate in this year. So, try these frameworks right now and get an amazing website development experience for your business.

Before starting with any of these frameworks listed above, you can consider few things like what are their features, how they resolve any problem, comparing with each other and then select as per your business requirement and budget constraint.

I hope the JavaScript framework list I shared proves useful to you. If you really liked this modern JavaScript framework list then do comment and give your valuable feedback.



Amyra Sheldon

I am a tech enthusiast, project manager and a passionate writer with digital thinking. I write about latest technologies ie Blockchain, IoT, AI for ValueCoders.